Wheel chair- Wheel Chair Rental Pros

Rental Policy

Description of the Rental Listings

A “Rental Listing” describes an object, product or good (an “Item”) to be offered for rent. A Rental Listing can only include the words, documents, images, and videos which Wheelchair Rental Pros  decide to put online. Any Member, including you, who posts a Rental Listing (an “Owner”) is solely responsible for ensuring proper category choices for their rental offers. Wheelchair Rental Pros  does not guarantee that all the objects, products, goods, and services are placed in the appropriate category. Placement of a listing in a particular category by an Owner can in no instance be interpreted as a guarantee part regarding the origin and authenticity of said Item.

An Owner must have either all ownership rights to, or all rights allowing them to rent, the Item on their Rental Listing.

Any material terms and conditions of a Rental Listing, including, but not limited to, cost of rental, delivery, maintenance fees, or any additional fees, representations or warranties must be clearly indicated in the Rental Listing. Further, if any Rental Agreement is to be proposed by the Owner it must be attached to the Rental Listing

While the Rental Listing will include the Owner’s city and state, an Owner shall make no mention of its Personal Contact Information anywhere on the Rental Listing. “Personal Contact Information” shall include, but is not limited to, the physical location of the listed Item, the Owner’s physical address, fax, telephone number, mailing address email address, or any other way to contact the Owner outside of the Wheelchair rental pros interface.

Non-Rentable Objects and Goods

You agree that any Items that you offer for rent in a Rental Listing are only objects and goods that are part of regular market commerce; authorized under local, state, and federal laws to be held, used, and leased; free of defects that would put persons or other property in danger; not counter to the public good or unethical.

The responsibility lies with Owner to ensure that the Items he or she offers for rent are legal, authorized and not forbidden. In cases where illegal products are offered for rent, penal and/or civil responsibilities may be incurred. Wheelchair Rental Pros reserves the right to remove from its website any listings which are against the law, and/or contrary to its principles and morals.

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