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How to Help Seniors Adjust to Home Care

How to Help Seniors Adjust to Home Care
It can be a challenge to help seniors adjust to home care. Although receiving care in the community is usually a better option than living in a nursing home, many seniors are hesitant to having carers come in their home. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to help make home care easier for elderly relatives.
In this article, you will find out how to help seniors make the transition to receiving care in their own home.

Help to foster friendships

It is much easier if your senior loved one can view their caregiver as a friend rather than a supervisor. This can help the one receiving care to feel more in control of their situation. So, try to encourage your senior loved one to foster friendships with their carers.

Use lists

Lists can be great ways to make sure that your senior loved one is properly cared for. It may not be easy for the person receiving care to remember all the tasks that are needing to be done. They may also be hesitant to ask the caregiver to do these tasks. So, if possible, make out a list of tasks for the caregiver. Either leave these in a place accessible for the carer.

Keep communication open

Communication is the lifeblood of any relationship and it’s essential to keep good communication between yourself, the one receiving care, and the caregiver. Be sure to ask your senior loved on specific questions and be observant for their needs.
It’s also good to encourage your senior loved one to open up to the caregiver. Caregivers are there not just to carry out physical jobs but to help fulfill emotional needs.

Make the transition slow

Too many changes can be unsettling for an elderly person who is starting to receive home care. So, if possible, start the home care step by step. This could mean having the carer come in one or two days a week and then building up to more days. Or, you have the carer help with just bathing and you or a trusted friend could help with dressing.
Of course, everyone is different. But by following these tips on helping seniors adjust to home care, you can help them get used to their new situation.

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